Who is Lebron James Daddy?


No it's Not Dirk Nowitzki

Leicester Bryce Stovell, age 55, has filed a lawsuit against NBA star LeBron James and his mother, Gloria.  In the lawsuit, Stovell states that there is a strong possibility he is James’ biological father and that LeBron and his mother tampered with DNA so the results would turn out negative. Stovell is demanding a “carefully structured and secure DNA test” to prove he is the father. Although he has stopped short of saying he is certain he is James’ father. Stovell stated, “I don’t want to make such a definitive statement in the absence of corroborative evidence”.


Stovell is seeking $4  million from LeBron and his mother, Gloria for fraud, defamation and misrepresentation.

Stovell states that he met James’ mother Gloria James in Washington in 1984; a few months later she told him she was pregnant but did not say if he was the father. Stovell said his only request was that the child, if a boy, play basketball.

He filed suit two weeks ago due to a statute of limitations that was about to expire.  “I have some limitation considerations that caused me to want to file the suit before the end of June,” he said.

Public records show Stovell is a former government attorney with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

He denied the timing had anything to do with the current LeBron mania.

Lebron James

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